Racauan malam.
so here a story of a hopeless girl, in the not so end of sixth semester, and on the way to her last minutes college lyf lucky her, meet a wise adviser, meet Ficky, again. untuk sejuta kalinya. i know. it doesnt mean i didnt make friends here, in case i need people with another point of view, who purely didnt know what i've been through, here, the struggle, the mechanism, the bureaucracy, the tasks, e t c. thanks Fick, for sparing your time through the bubble chats to calm me down. masalah 1. tiara ngga tau bagaimana caranya penelitian. setelah menempuh 134sks sampai detik ini, yang berarti sekitar semester depan aku udah boleh magang sama penelitian. Magang masih oke lah ya, ngirim surat pengantar-diterima-ngirim proposal-magang sampai mabok. Beda cerita sama penelitian, ngajuin topik-ditolak-ngajuin lagi-kalau ditolak bikin lagi sampe diterima kalau diterima lanjut bikin proposal-revisi sampai puyeng- ACC sempro- penelitian berbul...