heyhoo dudess and dudettes x)) happy a-week-day-off ppls !! sometimes we just need several day to refresh our mind after many days processed millions of shit in our mind since Sunday i dunno where to go or something to do to fill this free day,all the plans are going un-well,just bullshit,no action-__- alrite,now i just wanna flasback me at school,Yak,still random. So,me and friend,called Riza had chit chat on Jono (as u know that is public transportation that i say in the last post),she looks galaw,she almost talks about boyfie,i dont even get the point what we talked.it's too random. ijah : tir apa bedanya cowok bayangan sama bayangan cowok ? tiara : beda banget lah ijaaah,cowo bayangan itu cowo yang ada dipikiran kita,cowo yang diimpi impikan,nah kalo cowo bayangan mah ada cowo trus ada bayangan dibawahnya. ijah : ooohh,kalau gitu aku pacaran sama bayangan vigo ajadeh,kayanya lebih cakep bayangannya daripada vigonya Well...