
heyhoo dudess and dudettes x))
happy a-week-day-off ppls !!

sometimes we just need several day to refresh our mind after many days processed millions of shit in our mind

since Sunday i dunno where to go or something to do to fill this free day,all the plans are going un-well,just bullshit,no action-__-

alrite,now i just wanna flasback me at school,Yak,still random.

So,me and friend,called Riza had chit chat on Jono (as u know that is public transportation that i say in the last post),she looks galaw,she almost talks about boyfie,i dont even get the point what we talked.it's too random.
ijah    : tir apa bedanya cowok bayangan sama bayangan cowok ?
tiara   : beda banget lah ijaaah,cowo bayangan itu cowo yang ada dipikiran kita,cowo yang  diimpi impikan,nah kalo cowo bayangan mah ada cowo trus ada bayangan dibawahnya.
ijah    : ooohh,kalau gitu aku pacaran sama bayangan vigo ajadeh,kayanya lebih cakep bayangannya daripada vigonya
Well,ijah said that soooo calm and innocent,make my stomach erupted enough,weheheheh x)) jaaah you're damn cool!!
Jaah someday somebody will come  to you to treat  you very well,and whoever is,he's a lucky one to get yours

"never stop to pray,never stop to dream,never give up to catch it"

and another random(s) act is come from my classmates (boy exactly) that get mouth fight in 'em.it looks like gurl ya know-_-
A  : mak kawan kita punya motor baru nihh
Y  : iya wak ngeri lah ya,supra disulap jadi FU
A  :ngebut-ngebut lah ya sekarang
Y  : aah sok sok,bawa supra aja beserak,apalagi bawa FU
N  : *geber geber motor* *pergi tanpa pamit*
Well,the point is my friend A means that N is so fucking greedy,and he always talked that his father bought all what he want,talked about latest motorcycle although he doesn't even well to ride it.What a suck friend,rite?

"girls talk is about boyfie an gossip and boys talk is about motorcycle and how the way they catch a girl"

back from school,i went home,and met my gorgeous sista ever,Rara.
sometimes we got fight,feel hate each other like unfriend forever,and sometimes we got in a harm chit chat.
rara  : kak rara pernah loh dimarahin anak SD pas TK
tata  :oh ya siapa ?
rara : ituloh adek kelasnya kakak, si D
tata  : oh ya emang diapain ?
rara  : diginiin "eh ko anak TK,gausah lah gabung-gabung sama kami,kami tuh anak SD,gak level sama ko" trus rara langsung mundur,takut mau ngadu mama
poor you sist :"" Why some children's going wild when they stand in front of the child younger than 'em, honestly the reason are look so brave and look so cool!LABILE!

"if the oldest one got bad looking from youngers,so where can we see the side that they mature enough?" 
remember,rising age doesn't mean that they already mature enough

pplss,those are a bunch of gorgeous things that i got this week.SWAG IT!even i don't know what's the  word swag mean,but keep swag yaaaa x))
note : when i wrote this,i realize that using foreign language is a little bit fun even it's sooooooo messy. but who cares ?we're study ritee :)) have a nice holiday my gorgeous bloggerss !enjooyy!!


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